began my marketing career 16 years ago as a far more tentative individual than I am today. Experience has etched me, (and it is still a work in progress) carving me into who I am personally and professionally today. That’s why, as a female professional, I found Sheryl Sandberg’s book, “Lean In” to be so thought provoking.
Data on Millennials: Evidence that this lucrative generation is worth the marketing effort!
Millennials: “Ultra Connected” Generation 41% of the U.S. population belongs to millennials 81% own a cell phone 86% use the internet One-third of their life is spent in front of a computer 60% upload and post photos, videos and review content online They make up one-third of today’s bloggers 75% have a social media profile What makes them so important? …
Tools to enhance your restaurant’s online location
Developing your online persona When restaurant owners have so many plates spinning, it’s often hard to make time to manage or maintain an online presence. Increasingly essential today, a thriving online presence can have a huge impact on attracting potential business and on your restaurant’s sustainability. More than existing on the Internet, businesses today should nurture a living and breathing …