Google crawl budgets can drive your placement in search results or be a detriment to users finding your products or services. If you’re one of the many people who own a business then you’re likely well aware of the constant struggle to succeed. Your website is a critical component to that success, but what if it’s burdened by poor content, …
4 Tactics to Fight Email Marketing Fatigue
Email fatigue is real. Inboxes are getting bombarded by the hour with more companies mastering marketing automation. Your email marketing strategies must constantly evolve to adapt to how your targeted audience manages their inbox, as well as the type of content they digest. How do you get your email to stand out and, ultimately, be the one they look forward …
Humility Breeds Success
I recently spoke to a group of woman leaders about marketing yourself. To do that, I had to start with my own marketing journey. I was introduced to this group of successful women with a lovely recap of where I’ve been and what I’ve accomplished and it was so kind. But I had to come clean to these ladies. My …
Encourage and Mentor the Masses
began my marketing career 16 years ago as a far more tentative individual than I am today. Experience has etched me, (and it is still a work in progress) carving me into who I am personally and professionally today. That’s why, as a female professional, I found Sheryl Sandberg’s book, “Lean In” to be so thought provoking.
Data on Millennials: Evidence that this lucrative generation is worth the marketing effort!
Millennials: “Ultra Connected” Generation 41% of the U.S. population belongs to millennials 81% own a cell phone 86% use the internet One-third of their life is spent in front of a computer 60% upload and post photos, videos and review content online They make up one-third of today’s bloggers 75% have a social media profile What makes them so important? …
Capitalizing On Needs: School lunches suck, Fruit 66 tastes good
Brand Marketing Collides with High-Quality in the School Lunchroom! When companies are consciously driven to deliver beyond expectations, success is bound to follow. It’s not that long ago that Fruit 66, a juice company located in Richmond, VA set out to create a juice product that delivered something different. But today, just 5 years since they launched, the company is …
Critical Lessons on Logo Development
Just when you think you know it all…the client teaches you a new lesson! That was the case with a small business launch Fajen Consulting took on. The research, branding, content development, website development, and social media plates were all set to spin yet the seemingly simplest nugget turn out to deliver the biggest gut punch. It’s Not Complete Until …
Tools to enhance your restaurant’s online location
Developing your online persona When restaurant owners have so many plates spinning, it’s often hard to make time to manage or maintain an online presence. Increasingly essential today, a thriving online presence can have a huge impact on attracting potential business and on your restaurant’s sustainability. More than existing on the Internet, businesses today should nurture a living and breathing …
Nutella: Do it like it’s your job
Last month my daughter called home from college and asked me to stop sending her nutella. “I’m eating this stuff like it’s my job,” she complained. I laughed and then I thought about what her funny little comment revealed. That saying is all about passion, gusto, determination – not just nutella (which is unequivocally hazelnut heaven in a jar!) It might be …
Just Who’s Talkin’ About You?
Monitoring the Buzz For one owner, it happened while the customer was still in the restaurant. As one savvy business owner was monitoring their social media portals, he discovered an unhappy customer was blasting in-the-moment tweets about his establishment’s poor service. He immediately identified both the customer still in the building and the problem and then performed quick damage control…the …